So I’m back on the horse again trying to transfer all my old blog entries over to my new website. I’m going to do a few a day and eventually I’ll catch up!!!!
Its been a real long time since I’ve written. I don’t even know where to start. Its like I stopped blogging after the wedding in 2006 and retreated into my private den. I’ve been a busy bee all these years, hardly ever stopping to take a breath (or post a blog entry). I’ll fill in the blanks as I piece together all the old blog entries!
Before meets After
I always see that phrase on Style. Thought I’d use it to describe the past 2 weeks of my life–the first big project at our house…the bathroom re-do!

Our guest bathroom...just the sink...I didn't take many photos before because it was so outdated!!!

Blue pearl granite, new paint & fixtures

I printed a few black & white photos that I took over the years at the beach. Eventually, I'll get all those photos on the wall haha.
So one of the things I’ve been doing all this time I’ve been MIA is taking up yoga. The only time I can find is on Tuesdays after work, and that’s all I need. I found this awesome class that is led by an amazing instructor. She really brings the class into a different world for 90 minutes. I have no more time to write!
Welcome back!!
You did such a good job on the bathroom! I love it!
How pretty! I can’t wait to use the can next time I’m over hehe