Black & White Chicken

Things have been so hectic lately while we’re prepping my car for the track (this coming Sat, 5/28).  The Hsu’s are running around town like Chickens with their heads cut off.  Not a lot of time to talk, but here are the highlights (I am never too busy to take a shot):


Benson named this stray “Gary Busey.”  He likes to come and visit our outdoor cat Vera Wang.  He is TORE up.

As we prepare for summer break, we’re touring preschools for Elise and college prep courses for Kristy.

Another  advantage I have over the guys…I shop at craft stores with hot duct tape!

my daughter Kristy helped design my new sticker scheme…its multi-functional design ensures my bumper doesn’t fall apart!

(taken with my iPhone) the DriftQueen runs for the 1st time, in…2 years.  She starts on the 1st try with no problems.

I’ll see you after the car’s brakes are bled!

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